Dün proje ekibimizle yine yollardaydık. Savura gittik. 2000 yılında Mardin’e ilk geldiğimde kuzenim Engin ile tur destinasyonları hazırlarken gitmiştik Savur’a. Mardin’in 47 km kuzeybatısında, nüfusu 7000 civarında küçük bir ilçe. O zamanlar ilçe girişindeki jandarma karakolunda askerler aracı durdurur, nereye ve kime gideceğimizi sorardı. Çevresindeki terör olaylarından en çok etkilenen ilçelerden biriydi. Hazırladığımız tur programlarını oluşturmak için ilçeyi etüt ederken bir evin kocaman tarihi kapısından etkilenip evi gezmek istemiştim. Ev çok görkemliydi. Evde müthiş bir kalabalık vardı. Bir gün önce evin en büyük oğlu evlenmiş, düğün sonrası misafirlere davet veriliyordu. Evi gezdim, ev sahiplerinin sofralarına konuk oldum. Şefik Abi ve Bahattin Abi, Yıldız Abla müthiş ağırlamışlardı. Kendileriyle ilk kez karşılaşmış yeni tanışmış olmamıza rağmen konuk severliklerinden çok etkilenmiştim. Yıllar sonra Fatih ile beraber gittim aynı eve! Meğerse o gün çok özel ağırlandığım ev, Fatih’in dedesinin eviymiş. İlk ziyaretimden çok sonra tanıştığım Fatih ile aslında o günde karşılaşmış olabilirdim. Hayatta hiçbir şeyin tesadüf olmadığı inancım hiç değişmedi.
Bugün yine Savur’da o görkemli konağın önündeydim. İçim kıpır kıpır çok heyecanlıydım!
17 yıl önce misafir olarak gittiğim konağın kapıları, bana tekrar açılmıştı. Şimdi tarihi konak benimle beraber 35 kadına da ev sahipliği yapacak.
Bugün yine Savur’da o görkemli konağın önündeydim. İçim kıpır kıpır çok heyecanlıydım!
17 yıl önce misafir olarak gittiğim konağın kapıları, bana tekrar açılmıştı. Şimdi tarihi konak benimle beraber 35 kadına da ev sahipliği yapacak.
Hayatım Yenibahar Derneği ve Birleşmiş Milletler Gıda Tarım Örgütü (FAO) işbirliği ile başlattığımız Sevgili Milletvekilimiz Ceyda Bölünmez Çankırı’nın önderlik ettiği “İyi Tarım Uygulamaları” Topraktan Tabağa, Yaşayan Toprak Yerel Tohum Projemizin ikinci adımı olan Mantar Üretim Atölyemizi 5 Ocak Cuma günü Savur’da açacağız. Savur’da Abdüllatif Beğ Konağı olarak bilinen konak; 1800 tarihli ve kaya oyma bir temel üzerine inşa edilmiş. Toprak zemin ve taş duvarları ile rutubetli ortamı mantar üretimi için en uygun koşulları sunuyor. İlçede üretilebilecek tarım ürünleri araştırmamızda mantarın bu konakların eskiden ahır ve depo olarak kullanılan giriş bölümlerinde çok kolay üretildiğini ve kısa sürede ekonomik katma değere dönüştürüldüğünü öğrenince, konağın sahipleri Özbek ve Demir Aileleri ile görüştük. Uzun zamandır kullanılmayan konağın 600 m2lik deposunu projemiz için bize tahsis ettiler. Konağın deposu temizlendi. Tavanı, yeri ve duvarları ilaçlanıp, kireçlendi. Elektrik tesisatı çekildi. Mantar üretim tezgahları için sipariş verildi. Burada yerel ve mülteci toplam 35 kadın eğitim alıp mantar üretimini öğrenecekler ve kurulan Savur “Topraktan Tabağa” Tarımsal Kalkınma Kooperatifi kapsamında üretmeye devam edecekler. Hem kendi kazandıkları parayla kendi ayakları üzerinde duracak hem de bizler için sağlıklı ürünlere ulaşmamızı sağlayacaklar
We were on the roads once again with our project team. We went to Savur. I have been there with my cousin Engin in the year 2000, when we were preparing routes for the sightseeing tours. It is a small district located 47 km northwest of Mardin, with a population around 7000 people. Back then, the soldiers at the gendarmerie station used to stop the vehicles at the border of the district and ask where and to whom we were going. Savur was one of the districts that have been severely affected by the terrorist incidents around. While we were examining the town in order to prepare the tour programs, I was very impressed by the huge, historical door of a house and I wanted to enter in and have a look around. The house was magnificent. There was a tremendous crowd inside the house. The oldest son of the house was married the day before and they were giving a banquet for the wedding guests. I walked through the house and eat the house owner’s salt. Brother Şefik, Brother Bahattin and Sister Yıldız have hosted me very well. Although, I had never seen them before and we have just met each other, I was really impressed by their hospitality. Many years have passed and I have visited the same house with Fatih (my husband) again! To my surprise, that house belonged to Fatih’s grandfather. Even though, I have met with my future husband many years after my first visit to that house; I might even came across with Fatih on that day. I stand behind the belief of “nothing is coincidence”.
Today, I stand before that gorgeous mansion again. I am diddling with excitement! The doors of the house that I have visited 17 years ago were widely open for me once again today. Now, the historical mansion is going to host 35 women including me.
We were on the roads once again with our project team. We went to Savur. I have been there with my cousin Engin in the year 2000, when we were preparing routes for the sightseeing tours. It is a small district located 47 km northwest of Mardin, with a population around 7000 people. Back then, the soldiers at the gendarmerie station used to stop the vehicles at the border of the district and ask where and to whom we were going. Savur was one of the districts that have been severely affected by the terrorist incidents around. While we were examining the town in order to prepare the tour programs, I was very impressed by the huge, historical door of a house and I wanted to enter in and have a look around. The house was magnificent. There was a tremendous crowd inside the house. The oldest son of the house was married the day before and they were giving a banquet for the wedding guests. I walked through the house and eat the house owner’s salt. Brother Şefik, Brother Bahattin and Sister Yıldız have hosted me very well. Although, I had never seen them before and we have just met each other, I was really impressed by their hospitality. Many years have passed and I have visited the same house with Fatih (my husband) again! To my surprise, that house belonged to Fatih’s grandfather. Even though, I have met with my future husband many years after my first visit to that house; I might even came across with Fatih on that day. I stand behind the belief of “nothing is coincidence”.
Today, I stand before that gorgeous mansion again. I am diddling with excitement! The doors of the house that I have visited 17 years ago were widely open for me once again today. Now, the historical mansion is going to host 35 women including me.
We are going to inaugurate the Mushroom Cultivation Workshop, which is the second step of our “Good Agriculture Practices” From Soil to Plate, Living Soil Local Seed Project; which is being led by our Dear Congresswoman Ceyda Bölünmez Çankırı, with the collaboration of Hayatım Yenibahar Association and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on the 5th of January in Savur. The mansion, which is known as the “Abdülatif Beğ Konağı” in Savur; dates back to 1800 and it has been constructed on a foundation that has been carved in a rock. With its dirt surface and stone walls; the moist environment provides the optimum conditions for mushroom production. During our research on the products that can be produced in the district, we have learnt that mushroom is very easily produced in a very short time and that it is being turned into an economic added value in the entrance areas of these mansions that are generally used as barns or warehouses. With this in mind, we have talked with the owners of the mansion, the Özbek and Demir families. They have allocated the warehouse of the mansion (600 m2), which has not been used for a very long time, to us to be used for our project. The warehouse of the mansion has been cleaned. The ceiling, the floor and the walls of it have been disinfected and whitewashed. The electrical wiring has been completed. Mushroom production stations have been ordered. Here, a total of 35 women, consisting of local and refugee women are going to get trained and learn the mushroom production. They are going to continue to produce within the scope of the Savur “From Soil to Plate” Development Cooperative that has been established. They are going to stand on their own feet with the money they earn and at the same time, they will make it possible for us to access healthy products
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